Make It Your Own Hike
There is something to be said about the hiker community and those who are part of it. I feel as though the most genuine, kind, considerate people are often found on the trail and you can make some amazing friends. This particular piece gives you insight about a newcomer to the hiking community and how she found herself joining our wild, beautiful group of like-minded people who find solace in nature.
Over the last few months, I’ve engaged with a handful of amazing female hikers with experience levels ranging from new to advanced. However, I must admit I’m more intrigued by those who are new to this lifestyle and curious what brought them outside and how they benefit from it.
Meet my friend, Carolyn Jones.

Photo by Monique Tejada
Carolyn is a young professional whom I met through the hiking community, Mtn Chicks who is new to hiking and is kind enough to share her story as to why she chose to get on the trail.
Hannah: What interests you in the outdoors?
“I feel most alive when I’m outside, particularly when I’m in the mountains. Another important reason why I continue to visit and hike in the mountains is because it is one of the greatest teachers…one of my dearest friends.”
Hannah: What prompted you to go on your first hike?
Carolyn: "For the past few years, I've had to deal with the loss of my brother, my dad and a relationship. For the longest time, I felt like I was in free fall not knowing which way was up or down. I just wanted things to be still for one second. One second of peace. That's all I wanted. This past October was a particularly bad time and for some reason I decided to do something different. I decided to go on a hike. When hiking, everything seems to make sense. I have peace like I've never experience before. I accept the bad and I am grateful for the good." Hannah: How did you know what trail to go on?
Carolyn: “When I first started hiking, I relied on a friend’s advice who I knew hiked from time to time. After doing a few hikes based on my friends advice, I then started utilizing Yelp and Instagram. However, I recently started relying on my hiking friends, AllTrails, hiking community forums and Instagram.”

Hannah: What did you bring on your first hike and how did you know what to bring?
Carolyn: “I brought a water bottle that ended up not containing enough water. I ran out a little over halfway through. Truthfully, I had no idea what to bring (which you can probably tell). I just knew I needed to wear gym clothes and to bring water.” Hannah: Were you intimidated or scared about your first hike?
Carolyn: “I don’t know if "intimidated" or scared is the right word. I had more doubt than anything else and this doubt was related to recent injuries I was dealing with that became increasingly worse when dealing with more strenuous exercise such as running.” Hannah: Where did you meet people who also like to hike?
Carolyn: “I meet people who also like to hike through online hiking communities such as Mtn Chicks.” Hannah: What makes you comfortable on the trail?
“The mountains have a way of reminding you that you are enough.”

Hannah: Have you ever solo hiked?
Carolyn: “Yes, in fact, only recently have I started doing more group hikes than solo hikes. When I first started hiking, I only did solo hikes and I am a huge advocate of doing so or at least doing a combination of solo and group hikes. There are many important benefits that I believe come from both styles of hiking.” Hannah: What are some words of wisdom you would share with new hikers?
Carolyn: “Hike your own hike. It’s your journey, experience and hike. No one else’s.(i.e. Don’t worry about how fast you are or are not going, don’t worry about the distance you are or are not covering, don’t’ worry about how many hikes you’ve have or haven’t done until that point. Be safe and cherish each hike as if it was your first time out there).” Hannah: What is your favorite piece of gear and why?
Carolyn: “My trekking poles. Unfortunately, I am still dealing with injuries. My trekking poles are a lifesaver and allow me to keep hiking.” Hannah: What is your favorite trail so far and why?
Carolyn: “Inspiration point. Ever since I started hiking, I wanted to hike it.
However, I was intimidated by the distance (10 miles) and instead let my 'but’s' get in my way. 'But' what about my injuries…'but' I haven’t done this before…'but' it’s too steep…'but, but, but'.”
For my first hike in 2018, I decided to change that narrative and hiked inspiration point. It was the most amazing way to welcome 2018 and I couldn’t have been more proud of myself. I am so fortunate and grateful to be on this journey that I am on.”

Photo by Carolyn Jones
Follow Carolyn on her journey on Instagram @spinellee